News, Roses Costa Brava

SAFE TOURISM - Protocols and Recommendations

SAFE TOURISM - Protocols and Recommendations

Protocol and measures to reduce hygienic-sanitary risks against COVID 1) Specific requirements for the flooring and cleaning area:
The flooring and cleaning area should use adequate personal protective equipment depending on the level of risk considered in each situation. At a minimum, staff should wear a mask and gloves. Gloves should be vinyl / acrylonitrile. If latex gloves are used, they should be used over other cotton gloves. The following type of equipment is recommended: - Disposable or not nitrile gloves (and in any case, adapted to the work to be done). - Respiratory protection against particles (FFP2 mask). - Full-frame safety glasses. - Disposable apron. Once cleaning is finished and after removing gloves and mask, cleaning personnel must carry out a complete hand hygiene, with soap and water. Gloves and masks should be discarded depending on their useful life and the conditions in which they are used.
The staff of the floors and cleaning area will not agree to provide service in the rooms while the client remains inside, except for just cause.   2) Protective measures for personnel General requirements Personnel must know the contingency plan designed and, specifically, their responsibilities in the framework of risk management. Specifically, staff must: - Have clear and intelligible information, and specific and updated training on the specific measures that are implemented. - Avoid greeting with physical contact, including shaking hands, both to other staff and customers. The safety distance should be respected whenever possible. - Use a mask in cases where the specific procedure of the workplace and the risk assessment so determine and whenever the interpersonal distance cannot be respected and dispose of it at the end of its useful life according to the instructions indicated by the manufacturer. - Dispose of any personal hygiene waste - especially the disposable tissues - immediately to the bins or containers enabled and with non-manual operation. - Thoroughly wash your hands after sneezing, blowing your nose or coughing or touching potentially contaminated surfaces (money, letters from the establishment, etc.). However, the hand cleaning protocol must be adapted taking into account the characteristics of the installation, for example, when due to the physical characteristics of the building, it is not possible for personnel to wash their hands periodically. In this case, the use of hydroalcoholic solution must be ensured. - Disinfect frequently, throughout the working day, objects for personal use (glasses, mobiles, etc.) with a hydroalcoholic solution or with soap and water when feasible, as well as the elements of the workplace (screen, keyboard , mouse, etc.) For the disinfection of electronic equipment, specific products must be used, applied with a cloth, or special disinfecting wipes. - Do not share work equipment or devices of other employees. In case there is an alternation in the use of certain equipment or devices, the hotel must establish guidelines for cleaning and disinfection between use and use to reduce the risk of contagion. - Wear your hair up, do not wear rings, bracelets, earrings or the like. - Wear clean work clothes daily.
Disclosure measures - The contingency plan, prepared by the health and safety committees, if any, or the risk management committees, should be communicated to the representatives of the workers (if any), to the employees for their proper implementation. running and maintenance. Suppliers and customers must also be informed of the measures that directly affect them and that should be applied (eg use of a mask, hand washing, safety distance, etc.) - The establishment must inform the client before the booking confirmation of the established service conditions and prevention measures, for their acceptance. In the establishment itself, the information measures must include: - Signage with preventive measures implemented in the center and guidelines to be followed by clients. - Indication of positions respecting the safety distance with marking or alternative measures (eg at reception, at the entrance to the restaurant, etc.). - Information about the nearest health centers and hospitals, as well as emergency telephones. - The posters displayed must be in at least one foreign language (considering the country / countries of origin of the clients). The establishment must urge employees and workers to collaborate in complying with the measures that emerge from the contingency plan and must provide its personnel with the necessary information regarding preventive and hygienic measures and the appropriate use of protective material.
Regarding external accommodation service providers, they should be informed about the applicable prevention measures that have been established.   â�?�?3) Reception and reception service The following preventive measures must be complied with: - The maximum capacity of the reception area must be determined and the necessary measures must be established to ensure the distance between clients and employees. If the safety distance from reception employees cannot be maintained, appropriate safety measures (eg protective shield, mask) must be established. - Hydroalcoholic solution must be available in the reception and reception area. - You should avoid sharing pens. If provided, they should be disinfected after use. - The minimum safety distance between clients must be ensured and distance markers must be visibly fixed to avoid crowding. - Payment by card or other electronic means should be encouraged. This is applicable to all accommodation services. - The POS must be disinfected after each use in which there is contact. - The counters must be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, considering the greater or lesser influx of customers. If there are cards or keys, they must be deposited in a container with disinfectant at the end of the stay or after each use if they are deposited at reception. The computer equipment and any other element of use (eg, telephone) must be cleaned and disinfected at the beginning and at the end of the work day, recommending having headphones and helmets for individual use.   4) Accommodation The accommodations, specifically, must meet the following requirements: - The reduction of textiles (including rugs) in the room, decoration objects and ammenities should be analyzed to act according to the defined contingency plan. The toilet bin should have a lid, double bag and non-manual operation. - Blankets and pillows in closets must be protected. - If a hair dryer is available in the room, it must be cleaned (including the filter) at the client's exit. - The hangers, in case they are not offered sealed, must be disinfected at the client's exit. - Iron service should be limited. It is recommended to remove the trash from the room in order for any scarf, mask, etc. Concentrate in a single litter bin with a lid, minimizing the risks of transmission and manipulation. In the case of rooms shared by people who do not form a family unit, the risk committee must determine the appropriate measures, taking into account the type of clients. General requirements The establishment must pay special attention to cleaning and disinfecting common use areas. Specific: - The establishment must determine the capacity of the different common spaces. - The establishment must have hydroalcoholic solution in places of passage and in those facilities that are intensively used by customers. The installation of hydroalcoholic solution at the exit of the toilet can be considered. - Commonly used toilets should have drying paper dispensers or hand dryers. Towels, even those for individual use, should be avoided. - The litter bins must have a non-manually operated opening and have a double inner bag inside.
Further: - The establishment must ensure that customers respect safety distances. - You must ensure the replacement of consumables (soap, paper towels ...) - Paper, gel and soap dispensers should be cleaned regularly, depending on the level of use.   5) Lifts - Customers must be determined and informed of the maximum capacity in elevators. The rule of not sharing between people from different family units will be applied, unless masks are used. 6) Swimming pools - The guidelines and recommendations to be applied will be determined according to the results of the requested scientific report on the behavior of COVID-19 in the water of both outdoor and indoor pools.   CLEANING AND DISINFECTION REQUIREMENTS 7) Cleaning plan
The establishment must adapt its cleaning and disinfection plan taking into account the analysis of the identified risks. The plan must consider as a minimum: An increase in cleaning and overhaul frequencies, especially in the areas of greatest contact (surfaces, knobs, sinks, faucets, handles, elevators, reception desk, doors, keys / room cards, telephones, remote controls, push button unloading of the toilet, protection barriers, air conditioning control, dryer, time control devices, gym machines, railings, room service menu, minibar, hangers, etc.) Specifically, the employees' work area must be disinfected at the end of your shift (eg reception desk, box, etc.) Daily ventilation / aeration of common use areas where customers have been. The use of disinfecting cleaning products in safe conditions, for example, freshly prepared dilution of bleach (chlorine concentration 1 g / L, prepared with 1:50 dilution of a bleach of concentration 40-50 gr / L). Concentrations of 62-71% ethanol or 0.5% hydrogen peroxide in one minute are also effective. Other authorized alternative methods may be used, but in any case the efficacy of the disinfectants used must be ensured and used according to the safety data sheets of the products. The cleaning of rooms in security conditions. Cleaning carts should be cleaned and disinfected after daily use. The collection of litter bins from common use areas must be carried out in safety conditions, so that the bags are closed and are transferred to the waste collection point. There should be a daily record of the cleaning done. In the contingency plan, you must determine the impact of the necessary cleaning measures on the planning and organization of work, due to the special importance of this area in this context. â�?�?Cleaning requirements in rooms The cleaning of the rooms in the COVID-19 context must specifically contemplate the airing of the room, the replacement of towels and bed linen. All this, attending to the frequencies established according to hotel category. In addition, special attention will be paid to the following: Cleaning of walls, floors, ceilings, mirrors and windows, furniture, equipment and decorative and functional elements Cleaning of any surface or equipment with a high level of use. A system must be defined to avoid cross contamination, putting clean clothes only after cleaning and disinfecting the room. Dirty clothing should be placed in bags before being deposited in cleaning carts. Avoid providing the minibar service in the room if the establishment cannot guarantee its cleanliness between clients. The staff of the floors and cleaning area will not agree to provide service in the rooms without the / the clients leaving the room, except in exceptional circumstances. Customers will be informed in advance of this measure.   Textile cleaning The following requirements must be met: - "Dirty" textiles should be collected, placed in a bag and closed until treatment in the laundry. - Shaking dirty textiles should be avoided. In the case of lingerie, you should avoid putting it on the floor of the room or bathroom. - After handling “dirty” textiles, personnel should wash their hands. - "Dirty" textiles should be washed at> 60º. If the laundry service is outsourced, the service provider must be informed of the minimum temperature required.   MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS
Preventive maintenance plan The maintenance staff will enter the rooms when the client is not in the room, except for just cause. So: - Maintenance personnel must protect themselves with defined personal protective equipment. - After assistance or repair is complete, personnel should disinfect their hands and dispose of personal protective equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. - If the client is in the room because his presence is necessary, he should be urged to put on the mask while the maintenance personnel remain in the room. - Avoid any physical contact (greetings, delivery notes, etc.) Specifically, the air conditioning system should be checked periodically, especially the cleaning of filters and screens.  

Tuesday 26, May 2020 (12:28:1)    /    Immo Badia Roses